Bibliothéque - December 2016

In September of 2016, I was advised that my mother in Canada was very ill and not expected to live much longer. I quickly packed my bags and left everything without expecting that it would be a very long time before I returned. My mother was indeed ill and in a coma, the doctor in charge of her asked if I wanted to let her pass away and not try any exceptional measures to try to save her. She was 91 years old and suffering with many health complications… what could I say? I said, you are the doctor what do you think, he said that he was surprised to see her condition deteriorate so rapidly and that there must be a cause, yes I said we better find out what is going on here, and being the capable doctor that he was he had an idea that because her kidneys were failing and not eliminating the large amounts of painkillers she had be given, the painkillers were accumulating and the cause of this coma like condition, therefore he stopped all the medications and put her on liquids until the all the drugs were eventually eliminated and then she recovered quite quickly. We moved her into a better assisted care facility and soon it looked as though she would recover although there were no guarantees and I saw that I probably would not return to my home and affairs in Tubuai anytime soon. Time passed and eventually I realized that I would have ask Ella to move everything out of my house which was an unguarded rental, now serving no purpose. This was a terrible thing to have to ask anyone to do let alone your daughter. She was very brave and flew down to Tubuai where she had friends who she could count on to help her. The only possible solution was to move all of my earthly possessions into the Bibliothéque.

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Earthly possessions.

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Earthly possessions 2

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Earthly possessions 3

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Earthly possessions 4

Moving the tons of stone tools was another daunting task, they had to be cleaned and packed up, several thousand artifacts, the Museum collection that had not yet been moved into the Bibliothéque.

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Years of collecting that had to be washed and packed.

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My office at home had to be carefully dismantled.

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The collection in 1997. little did Ella know then what she was in store for with these stones.

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